During your internship, you may face challenges similar to those encountered in a new professional setting. These could relate to your tasks, the team, the host company, or other concerns.
Step 1: Review the relevant document below that best addresses your concern and follow the recommended steps.
Step 2: Follow up consistently! Challenges, questions, and concerns will continue to arise, and solutions may not come easily. Resolving them requires persistence and effort.
Step 3: Communicate effectively! Reach out to Intern Support at any time during your internship by:
A. Scheduling a call with the Intern Experience Management team here.
B. Sending an email and expecting a response within 48 business hours. If following up on a previously discussed issue, please use the same email chain to prevent miscommunication.
Lack of Contact with Supervisor/Host Company.pdf
My Supervisor Is Contacting Me Outside Of Work Hours
My Supervisor Is Giving Me Too Much Work.pdf
Not Receiving Feedback from Supervisor.pdf
Feeling Disrespected at my Host Company.pdf
How to Problem Solve in an Internship
Requesting a Clearer Schedule/Weekly Learning Plan.pdf
My projects don't match what is listed on my Placement Project Plan.pdf
Not Enough Projects to Complete.pdf
My Internship Tasks Are Too Difficult .pdf
How to Ask Clarifying Questions.pdf