The goal of a Virtual Internship is to expand your employability skills and enhance your career readiness. At Virtual Internships, we achieve this by focusing on NACE (National Association of Colleges and Employers) competencies—key skills that employers prioritize when hiring graduates.

Use the resources below and your CareerBridge account to strengthen your employability skills and prepare for your professional career.

Career & Self Development: Proactively develop oneself and one’s career through continual personal and professional learning, awareness of one’s strengths and weaknesses, navigation of career opportunities, and networking to build relationships within and without one’s organization.

Resource Topic Discussed Time Needed
How to Prioritize Shares tools you can use to help you prioritize your tasks. 02.53 mins.
10 ways to improve Networking Skills Tips on how to behave during a network event. 12.50 mins.
How to add value to your connections? Advice on how to network online and offline. 03.31 mins.
How to Network? How to network with successful people. 12.05 mins.
An Introvert's guide to Networking One on one networking as a strategy for introverts. 12.05 mins.
Why is networking so important? Benefits of networking and tips on how to do it. 06.46 mins.
Dos and Don'ts of Networking Advice on how to network at an event. 06.46 mins.
Networking without being Fake Focuses on how to achieve worthwhile relationships when networking. 06.27 mins.
Tips to boost Productivity Time management tips for worklife. 03.47 mins.
Maintaining Work Life Balance 5 tips to find balance when working remotely. 1 min.
How To Succeed in a Virtual Interview 5 tips to succeed in a Virtual Interview 30 sec.

Communication: Clearly and effectively exchange information, ideas, facts, and perspectives with persons inside and outside of an organization.

Resource Topic Discussed Time Needed
Communication 101 Know the words, Correct tone, Body language/using body as language. 04.40 mins.
How to make a Connection? Example of networking at an event. 03.15 mins.
3 Types of Communication Models Transmission, Transactional, Constitutive Models of Communication. Focuses on learning about communication theories. 10.33 mins.
Basic & Best Practice of Business Communication Good balance between theory and practical examples. 09.49 mins.
Embracing Awkward Conversations Benefits of deeper conversations rather than small talk. 03.00 mins.
Five Steps to a Killer Opener Captivate your audience within the first five minutes of your presentation. 07.33 mins.
Stop Beginning your Speech with Good Morning Originality helps captivating your audience. 02.42 mins.
5 Ways to Improve your Writing Tips and examples on how to improve writing skills. 12.50 mins.
Improve your Writing, Show Not Tell Focuses on being more descriptive when writing in order to become a better writer. 06.07 mins.
Tips to Write an Effective Report Steps to follow when writing a report. 05.22 mins.
Report Writing Presents different types of reports and how to write them, however, it focuses on school reports. 22.56 mins.

**Critical thinking:** Identify and respond to needs based upon an understanding of situational context and logical analysis of relevant information.

Resource Topic Discussed Time needed
3 Ways to Master Analytical Thinking Analytical thinking example. 08.25 mins.
Analytical Thinking Techniques Shares techniques to apply in analitycal thinking ans ilustartes them with examples. 13.16 mins.
Global vs. Analytical Thinkers Helps you understand your thinking style. 05.36 mins.
Deep Conversations Focuses on Dating and Making Friends. Avoid Facts and Speak of Emotions (I personally do not think this could be good advice for interns as the main focus is to learn how to communicate in a professional environment). 07.20 mins.

Equity & Inclusion: Identify and respond to needs based upon an understanding of situational context and logical analysis of relevant information.

Resource Topic Discussed Time Needed
5 reasons why teamwork is important Benefits of team work. 02.07 mins.

**Leadership:** Recognize and capitalize on personal and team strengths to achieve organizational goals.

Resource Topic Discussed Time Needed
Tips for a First time Supervisor Focuses on the transition from being an employee to being a supervisor rather than communication. Could be placed under Leadership or Management Skills. 05.30 mins.
What makes Great Founders stand out? Includes coarse language. Does not focus in communication. 05.53 mins.
Manage people and Lead Better Focuses on skills to master to become a supervisor. 06.11 mins.
How to manage people and be a good team player? Tips on how to work well with other people. Contains useful real-life exampleas. 11.37 mins.
Effective Supervisory Communication Focuses on communication from supervisors to employees. Could belong to Management Skills section. 04.12 mins.
How to motivate your team? Examples of team motivation tools in a company. 03.57 mins.
4 Tips to improve Leadership Skills Focuses on the importance of keep learning new things in order to become a leader. 05.03 mins.
7 Essential Qualities of Good Leaders Qualities you can learn to become a good leader. 04.14 mins.
How to be a Better Leader Leadership skills backed up by scientific studies. 15.02 mins.
How to Establish yourself as a Leader Skills ans steps you must take to become a leader. 05.59 mins.
Leadership vs. Management Difference between manager and leader skills. 05.52 mins.
21 differences between Managers and Leaders What a leader does and what a manager does. 13.37 mins.
How to manage someone for the First Time Focuses on how to manage your subordinates' time. Could belong to the Management Skills section. 03.51 mins.
Must have 10 Management Skills Describes the skills a manager should have. 05.44 mins.
5 Management Skills every Manager should have Teaches skills a manager needs. 08.20 mins.
Biggest Mistakes First-time Founders make Issues that can arise when founding a company. Does not focus on communication. 07.03 mins.
Skills needed to be an Excellent Project Manager Skills to have to become a project manager. 06.29 mins.
Top 13 Project Management Skills Focuses on the behavioral and technical skills a project manager should have. 06.25 mins.
Skills you need to be a Project Manager - Google Certified Provides an example on how to apply project management skills and tools on a project. 22.16 mins.
Project Management Techniques Most used project management techniques. 11.14 mins.

Professionalism: Knowing work environments differ greatly, understand and demonstrate effective work habits, and act in the interest of the larger community and workplace.

Resource Topic Discussed Time Needed
How to change basic English to business English? Excellent examples on how to reword phrases for business purposes. 05.46 mins.
How to respond to Insults? This video could belong to the Effective Communication category. Reactions to a comment can determine the conversation outcome. 04.23 mins.
41 phrases for Business Meetings Useful phrases to use on meetings. 06.13 mins.
How to be Organized at Work Organizations tips for workload and workspace. 07.51 mins.
Planning & Organization Bootcamp Techniques and tools you can use to be organized. 09.26 mins.
7 Things that Organized People Do Examples of strategies to be a more organized person. 12.43 mins.
How to be Productive During Your Virtual Internship 5 tips to stay on top of your tasks. 40 seconds.
Staying Focused During Remote Work 5 tips to stay focused. 40 seconds.

Teamwork: Build and maintain collaborative relationships to work effectively toward common goals, while appreciating diverse viewpoints and shared responsibilities.

Resource Topic Discussed Time Needed
Secrets of Successful Teamwork Case study of successful teams at Google. 04.00 mins.
Team Building and Productivity General information about what team building is. Not too relevant. 03.13 mins.
Productive Teamwork Focuses on teamwork in school projects. 04.19 mins.
Top 10 Teamwork skills Briefly describes the skills an individual must have to effectively work in a team. 03.14 mins.

Technology: Understand and leverage technologies ethically to enhance efficiencies, complete tasks, and accomplish goals.

Resource Topic Discussed Time Needed
Product Manager Technical Skills Technical skill to know about but do not necessarily must have. 08.44 mins.
Learn new Technical Skills Quickly Steps to take to structure the learning and practice processes to alearn a new skill quickly. 11.40 mins.
Top 10 Technologies to learn in 2021 Description of trending technologies to learn in the IT field. 10.07 mins.
Technical Skills for the Future Recommended skilld to have no matter your career field. 12.50 mins.
AI & ML Engineering & Data Science skills Link to a library that contains videos and articles about technical skills. 323.00 mins.
How to give a great Presentation? Tips on how to give and structure a presentation. 07.04 mins.
Dos & Don'ts: Good presentation vs. Bad Presentation Examples of a good and bad presentation. 02.22 mins.